As one opportunity vanishes, another appears...
I was bummed to have a gig cancelled on 12/20 but thrilled that Pete Vendettuoli is having me sit in with the Free Radicals at Nick-a-Nees that night. If you like the songs loose and long this show is for you. We start at 9pm musician-time. 12/20 The Free Radicals at Nick-a-Nees 9pm 75 South St Onna-the-a-face-a-book-a On New Years Eve I'll be sitting in with the Superchief Trio (RI's largest trio) for the excellent variety show The Empire Revue. For this special occasion, the show will be at the Wilbury Theater. Yes, there is a bar; Yes, there is complimentary valet parking; And Yes, the show will end with a dance party. 12/31 The Empire Revue at The Wilbury Theater 40 Sonoma Court, Providence, Rhode Island 02909 Onna-the-a-face-a-book-a Have a good holiday season. Just say No to eggnog. That stuff looks just like that new 'splash-free' bleach I've been seeing at the market. Also, chestnuts: ewww. (I know this is all Christmas-centric, but you gotta write what you know, man, you know, man? Thanks for reading, Chris ps Just re-read one of those Dan Fante books, Chump Change. You've got to read those things as quickly as possible; you don't need all that sludge sloshing around in your brain for a week. (pps Stay away from Point Doom, it has none of the redeeming qualities that the others do; I'd like to un-read that one.)
Notes From a Musical Life
March 2020
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